Childhood Issues

Abandonment, Alienation, Bullying, Cheating, Child Abuse, Depressed, Depression, Devaluation, Domestic Violence, Education, Ethnicity, Homelessness, Hunger, Isolation, Jail, Low IQ, Lying, Malnutrition, Molestation, Neglect, Poverty, Prostitution, Racism, Self Worth, Social Ecological, Social Economics, Social Political, Social Services, Stealing, Substance Abuse, Teachers, Teen Pregnancy, Unemployment, Violence.

An example of childhood issues can be found in Mr. Martin's Volume 1 of "Better Left Unsaid?, A Human Narrative, " the story, "Boo."

The story, "Boo," takes the reader on a personal journey of self actualization by returning them to their initial, Adverse Childhood Experience, (ACE), that produced Automatic Negative Thoughts, (ANTs), which without the appropriate intervention, can be carried into adulthood.